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Workflow Automation with AppleScript


Chapman Consulting Group provides AppleScript development services. We can help your organization automate a variety of large and small workflows and repetitive tasks.

Save time and money; automate your everyday production tools like Quark XPress, FileMaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, the Finder, and more. Spend your time on creative work, and let workflow automation do your repetitive tasks for you. AppleScript can be your next employee, producing reams of work, accurate every time, working consistently and speedily, never complaining about the dullness of the repetition. AppleScript can be used for smaller repetitive, complex tasks, or for the automation of entire workflows like the production of a catalog or real estate flyer. AppleScript is also great for behind the scenes work like file transfers, repetitive image manipulations and/or conversions, server uploads, and more.

As a member of the TECSoft Developer Consortium (TDC), we have the top team of AppleScripters in the country behind us.

We have extensive experience in AppleScript and workflow automation and development. In addition to keeping abreast of developments in this area, we have also received training directly from companies like Apple Computer and Adobe, Inc. involving application creation and scripting. We were also recently featured on Apple's Hot News area of their web site. See the article at http://www.apple.com/hotnews/articles/2002/11/chapman/ or download a PDF of the article.

Start saving time and money today; use AppleScript! If you need AppleScript development work, please contact Mark Chapman.

For those of you who are already using AppleScript or just learning it, click here for a list of resources to help you on your AppleScript way.

Chapman Consulting Group (651) 336-7838